Before The Convention
Pre-Convention Preparation
- Relax – Whilst you may feel intimidated, lost, or unsure of what to do, that’s normal! Take a deep breath. Breathe. We’ve got your back!
- Coordinate – Conventions are more enjoyable when you know other people attending. Coordinate with your friends ahead of time, exchange numbers and contact information to stay connected at the convention.
- Meet New People – Conventions are social experiences. Don’t hesitate to introduce yourself to new people. You’re likely to make new friends and meet people you’ve been following online.
- Ask Questions – Feel free to ask fellow attendees or FurDU staff any questions you may have (we assure you, we’re friendly).
- Double-Check – Verify your hotel reservation and travel plans two weeks prior to the convention. If any issues arise, you’ll have plenty of time to resolve them.
Cons on a Budget
- Grab Some Groceries: Buying groceries from a local supermarket or convenience store can be a more cost-effective alternative to eating at the hotel restaurant. Make sure to check if your hotel room has a fridge or microwave to make meal planning easier.
- Delivery: Check online to see what places deliver to your hotel. FurDU does provide a list of local restaurants with delivery options closer to the convention.
- Carpool: Carpooling can significantly cut down travel costs, especially for longer distances. Just make sure everyone’s schedule aligns.
Essential Items to Pack
The Bare Necessities
- Cash: ATMs at the convention may run dry quickly, so it’s a good idea to withdraw money before you arrive. Please note that dealers and shops usually only trade in Australian cash currency (AUD).
- Comfortable Shoes: You’ll likely be doing a lot of walking, so comfortable shoes are a must.
- Medication: Remember to pack any prescription medications or first aid items.
- Phone / Device Chargers: It’s crucial to be able to stay connected.
- Clothing: Pack an extra pair of clothing in case of accidents, spills, bad weather, or flight delays.
- The Essentials: Body wash/soap, shampoo, razor, shaving cream, deodorant, hair brush/comb, toothbrush, and toothpaste.
Non-Essentials/Nice to Haves
- Character Badges
- Sketchbook(s) & Character Reference
- Camera
- Swim Trunks/Swimsuit
- A Power Strip
At the Convention
- Get Your Badge: Find the registration desk, get in line, and get your badge. Don’t forget to bring your ID!
- Plan Your Events: Review the convention schedule and mark down your “must attend” events and panels.
- You Can’t Be In Two Places At Once: You may have to make some tough decisions due to conflicting events, but that’s okay.
- There Will Be Down Time: During downtime, explore the convention. Play games, visit the Den, or see what your friends are up to.
- Be Open Minded: Be open to meeting new people and trying new experiences.
Safety First!
- Unwanted Affection: Remember to ask before hugging or touching anyone.
- Stranger Danger: Be cautious when meeting new people.
- Getting Help: If you feel unsafe, harassed, or overwhelmed, don’t hesitate to seek assistance from the FurDU staff.
- Remember: Costume Is Not Consent!
The “6-2-1” Rule
- Six hours of sleep.
- Two meals a day.
- One shower.
Convention Etiquette
- Give People Space
- Be On Your Best Behavior
- Fursuiters: Give priority to fursuiters as they may need to cool off in their room.