Attendee Survival Guide

Your Ultimate Cheat Sheet for a Flawless Convention Experience

Before The Convention

Pre-Convention Preparation

  1. Relax – Whilst you may feel intimidated, lost, or unsure of what to do, that’s normal! Take a deep breath. Breathe. We’ve got your back!
  2. Coordinate – Conventions are more enjoyable when you know other people attending. Coordinate with your friends ahead of time, exchange numbers and contact information to stay connected at the convention.
  3. Meet New People – Conventions are social experiences. Don’t hesitate to introduce yourself to new people. You’re likely to make new friends and meet people you’ve been following online.
  4. Ask Questions – Feel free to ask fellow attendees or FurDU staff any questions you may have (we assure you, we’re friendly).
  5. Double-Check – Verify your hotel reservation and travel plans two weeks prior to the convention. If any issues arise, you’ll have plenty of time to resolve them.

Cons on a Budget

  • Grab Some Groceries: Buying groceries from a local supermarket or convenience store can be a more cost-effective alternative to eating at the hotel restaurant. Make sure to check if your hotel room has a fridge or microwave to make meal planning easier.
  • Delivery: Check online to see what places deliver to your hotel. FurDU does provide a list of local restaurants with delivery options closer to the convention.
  • Carpool: Carpooling can significantly cut down travel costs, especially for longer distances. Just make sure everyone’s schedule aligns.

Essential Items to Pack

The Bare Necessities

  • Cash: ATMs at the convention may run dry quickly, so it’s a good idea to withdraw money before you arrive. Please note that dealers and shops usually only trade in Australian cash currency (AUD).
  • Comfortable Shoes: You’ll likely be doing a lot of walking, so comfortable shoes are a must.
  • Medication: Remember to pack any prescription medications or first aid items.
  • Phone / Device Chargers: It’s crucial to be able to stay connected.
  • Clothing: Pack an extra pair of clothing in case of accidents, spills, bad weather, or flight delays.
  • The Essentials: Body wash/soap, shampoo, razor, shaving cream, deodorant, hair brush/comb, toothbrush, and toothpaste.

Non-Essentials/Nice to Haves

  • Character Badges
  • Sketchbook(s) & Character Reference
  • Camera
  • Swim Trunks/Swimsuit
  • A Power Strip

At the Convention

  1. Get Your Badge: Find the registration desk, get in line, and get your badge. Don’t forget to bring your ID!
  2. Plan Your Events: Review the convention schedule and mark down your “must attend” events and panels.
  3. You Can’t Be In Two Places At Once: You may have to make some tough decisions due to conflicting events, but that’s okay.
  4. There Will Be Down Time: During downtime, explore the convention. Play games, visit the Den, or see what your friends are up to.
  5. Be Open Minded: Be open to meeting new people and trying new experiences.

Safety First!

  • Unwanted Affection: Remember to ask before hugging or touching anyone.
  • Stranger Danger: Be cautious when meeting new people.
  • Getting Help: If you feel unsafe, harassed, or overwhelmed, don’t hesitate to seek assistance from the FurDU staff.
  • Remember: Costume Is Not Consent!

The “6-2-1” Rule

  1. Six hours of sleep.
  2. Two meals a day.
  3. One shower.

Convention Etiquette

  • Give People Space
  • Be On Your Best Behavior
  • Fursuiters: Give priority to fursuiters as they may need to cool off in their room.